Certification Procedure
▷ (Inquiry) : The overall process for the certification audit
▷ (Proposal) : After review a standards, scope, No employees, Will send the certification proposal about audit days
and costs.
▷ (Certification Guide Dispatch) : Shall inform prospective clients of certification procedure and requirements related
with certification issuing through Certification Guide.
▷ (Certification application, Contract) : After receipt of the application and contract agreement will be signed.
After the signing of the contract, each requirement between clients and Shall be met reviewing certification contract
and clients requests.
▷ (Establishing the Audit Plan, Audit team) : Audit planner composes the audit team according to
“3.3 Audit Team Composition” after reviewing the audit scope, the schedule, the auditor’s competence.
▷ (Audit) : The stage 1 audit shall be performed to audit the client’s management system documentation.
The purpose of the stage 2 audit is to evaluate the implementation, including effectiveness, of the client’s
management system.The stage 2 audit shall take place at the site(s) of the client.
▷ Shall provide one copy of each audit report in relation to each Client to EGSCERT Co., Ltd.
▷ (Verification) : EGSCERT Co., Ltd. shall provide The Franchise with its decision or comments regarding the eligibility
of each EGSCERT ., Ltd. Client for Certification in writing after receiving the audit report regarding that client.
▷ (Surveillance Audit) : The date of the first surveillance audit following initial certification shall not be more than 12
months from the last day of the stage 2 audit.
▷ Shall provide one copy of each surveillance report in relation to each client to EGSCERT Co., Ltd.
▷ (Verification) : EGSCERT Co., Ltd. shall provide The Franchise with its decision or comments regarding the eligibility
of each EGSCERT Co., Ltd. Client for continuing Certification in writing after receiving the surveillance report
regarding that client.
▷ (Re-certification Audit) : A Re-certification audit shall be conducted in every 3 year, and shall be audited within
valid date of certification.
Suspending, withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification & Refusing
1) Suspending, withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification
* Withdrawal
An organisation that wishes to withdraw from the any certification scheme is required to write to the management department informing of its intention. The organisation shall within a reasonable timeframe ensure that all advertising matters that contain any reference to the certificate are discontinued.
EGSCERT shall suspend the certification of the organisation under the following circumstances;
the certified organisation’s management system has persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements, including requirements for the effectiveness of the management systems,
the certified organisation does not allow Surveillance or Recertification audits to be conducted at the required frequencies,
the certified organisation has voluntarily requested suspension of its certification,
the certified organisation fails to take corrective actions for non-conformity(ies) raised within the specified timeframe,
the certified organisation has incorrectly making references to its certification status or misleading use of certificate, marks or audit reports.
the certified organisation infringed the requirements of the certification contract .
The organisation whose certification is suspended is required to take the necessary corrective action before the end of the suspension period. Failure to resolve the issues satisfactorily will result in withdrawal of certification. The organisation may appeal if it is dissatisfied with the decision to suspend or withdraw the certificate.
2) Expanding and reducing the scope of certification
Reducing the scope of certification
Failure to resolve the issues that have resulted in the suspension in a time established by the certification body shall result in withdrawal or reduction of the scope of certification.
EGSCERT body shall reduce the scope of certification to exclude the parts not meeting
the requirements, when the certified client has persistently or seriously failed to meet the certification requirements for those parts of the scope of certification. Any such reduction shall be in line with the requirements of the standard used for certification.
Under suspension, the client’s management system certification is temporarily invalid.
Expanding the scope of certification
EGSCERT shall, in response to an application for expanding the scope of a certification already granted, undertake a review of the application and determine any audit activities necessary to decide whether or not the extension may be granted. Any such reduction shall be in line with the requirements of the standard used for certification.
3) Refusing
Following the review of the application, the EGSCERT shall ei